Triclor, Green Pools, CYA, and the answer January 3, 2022CYA is a stabilizer additive to Triclor chlorine pucks and is released into the water as the puck dissolves. CYA is short for cyanuric acid. In water content concentration of...
Aeration and turbulence can be a quick fix for low pH January 3, 2022If the pH is low and alkalinity is OK all you need to do is aerate, or cause bubbling turbulence and the pH will go up without affecting the alkalinity....
Chlorine FACTS vs MYTHS January 3, 2022MYTH : Using Liquid Chlorine or Other Hypochlorites Will Raise pH Because the bottled pH of Chlorine is high, many think that by adding chlorine it raises the pH dramatically....
How to raise or lower alkalinity January 3, 2022The state or level of Alkalinity acts as a buffer (resists change) for pH. Buffers are important because having the right amount and type of buffers keeps the pH from...
Think differently about the chemical RANGES and substitute the concept of goals or target readings. January 3, 2022Chemical readings impact each other
Ten InGround Swimming Pool Closing Tips 2020 January 3, 2022Most people close their pools when the kids go back to school or by the end of September. When temperatures stay below 65°F (18°C) during the daytime (off-season) and frost...