Frequently Asked Questions
Step 1
Ensure pump & filter are working properly, balance pH to 7.2pH, total alkalinity to 120 ppm & chlorinated pool water to 3 – 5 ppm.
Step 2
As a minimum treatment: Add 57g ( 2 oz ) of CLEAN + CLEAR MINERALS per 4500 L (1000 gal) of pool water, which will result in a minimum concentration of 0.5 ppm copper.
Step 3
Distribute CLEAN + CLEAR MINERALS by sprinkling across pool water surface, every meter or so around the perimeter of the pool, avoiding the coping and any stairs.
Step 4
Run the filter overnight.
Step 5
The next day backwash the filter, vacuum the pool and then backwash the filter a second time. (For cartridge filters remove and clean). Repeat this procedure every second day until pool water is clean + clear.
This procedure could take up to a week depending on the condition of the water. Then return the filter and resume your normal operating schedule. Time may be reduced to 8-12 hours per day, depending on the condition of the water. During days with high temperatures and heavy pool use, you should run the filter 24 hours a day, and you may need to increase use of sanitizer.
Step 1
One week before closing your pool for the season, add 28g (1oz) of CLEAN + CLEAR MINERALS per 4500 L (1000 gal) of water.
Step 2
Distribute CLEAN + CLEAR MINERALS by sprinkling across pool water surface, avoiding the coping and any stairs
Step 3
Run the filter overnight, and the next day backwash the filter, vacuum the pool and then backwash a second time (for cartridge filter remove and clean).
Step 4
Return the filter and resume your normal operating schedule. On the day of the pool closing, drain the pool to return jets.
Step 5
Cap off all the lines and then winterize the pool by adding 10-20 litres of liquid chlorine and cover for the winter (no closing kits are required with the use of CLEAN + CLEAR MINERALS).
Frequently Asked Questions.
What is the best way to open my swimming pool?
Uncover and fill to the recommended level, start filter system and make sure it is running at optimum performance. Shock water with liquid chlorine (above ground-10 litres), (in-ground- 20 litres). Vacuum and clean then check pH (7.2), total alkalinity ( 120 ppm), and water hardness (160-220 ppm). Once adjusted, add CLEAN + CLEAR MINERALS.
How much CLEAN + CLEAR MINERALS should I use? What reading levels should I maintain?
Standard pH, chlorine test kits ideal readings are pH 7.2 (colour in the tester should be orange). Chlorine reading 1 to 3 ppm (colour in tester light to medium yellow).
ABSOLUTELY! CLEAN + CLEAR MINERALS is a unique blend of minerals that are essential to sustain healthy clear water. Unlike some pool chemicals, the minerals in CLEAN + CLEAR will not absorb into your skin.
What is the best sanitizer to use?
We suggest stabilized chlorine pucks along with liquid chlorine.
How long should I run my filter?
We recommend 12 hours per day depending on circumstances: cloudy water from rain, high traffic, excessive solar cover use etc. We suggest running the filter longer until water is at the desirable clarity. The longer you run the filter, the cleaner and healthier your pool water will be. For best results run the filter 24 hours a day and don't forget to backwash.
How do I clear up cloudy water?
Cloudy water may occur as a result of impurities in the water caused by rain, leaves, pollen, over abundance of guests, forgetting to add CLEAN + CLEAR MINERALS or the filter system not operating at peak performance (this can be checked as weak water flow from return jets). We recommend first return the filter and pump to maximum performance. Next, we recommend shocking your pool water with liquid chlorine (5 litres above ground, 10 litres inground) and adding the equivalent of the initial opening scoops of CLEAN + CLEAR MINERALS. Run the filter continuously for several days and backwash daily. If not cleared up within 3-6 days consider changing the sand in the filter or replacing the filter cartridge.
How do I get rid of algae?
Algae in the form of green cloudy water or black buildup on coping and stairs may occur as a result of impurities in the water caused by rain, leaves, pollen, guests bathing suits transfer, forgetting to add CLEAN + CLEAR MINERALS consistently, or the filter system not operating at peak performance (this can be checked as weak water flow from return jets). We recommend first return the filter and pump to maximum performance. Next, shock your pool water with liquid chlorine (5 – 7 litres above-ground, 10 – 15 litres inground) and adding the equivalent of the initial opening scoops of CLEAN + CLEAR MINERALS. Run the filter continuously for several days and backwash daily. Brush dead algae from stairs and liner. If not cleared up within 3-6 days consider changing the sand in the filter or replacing the filter cartridge.
What is a stain and how do I get rid of it?
There are two basic types of stains, organic and mineral.
- Organic stains are light to medium brown/grey and tend to spread gradually.
- Mineral stains are darker and usually isolated to one spot.
Treat these stains immediately. Turn the filter system off until water circulation becomes completely still, then pour muriatic acid over the stained area. Wait a few minutes and then follow up with liquid chlorine (3-4 litres of muriatic acid followed by 10 litres of liquid chlorine).
- Brushing may help.
- Let sit for one hour and then restart the filter system.
- Stains should fade or removed by the next day.
- If you ignore stains too long, they become harder to remove.
What is the best way to close my swimming pool?
One week before closing, add “Closing Treatment” amount of CLEAN + CLEAR MINERALS, running the filter as normal and then clean pool completely, so it's free of debris. Drain pool to the recommended level, blow out the lines, drain the filter and pump and close the lines. Add 10+ litres of liquid chlorine depending on the size of your pool.
No closing kit is required with CLEAN + CLEAR MINERALS. Cover the pool with your winter cover and secure firmly, then add 1 -2″ of water on the surface of the cover, to hold in place. If you have a safety cover, place the winter cover on first and then place the safety cover on top. This will catch all of the dirt and debris that can filter through the safety cover.
May I use CLEAN + CLEAR MINERALS with salt water systems?
If you have installed a salt water system and would like to use CLEAN + CLEAR MINERALS, bypass the initial treatment and go directly to weekly treatments.
What are phosphates and how do I get rid of them?
Phosphates are found in pesticides that are used on most farming fields and end up in our rainwater, lakes and rivers. The best way to remove these phosphates from your pool water is to shock your water on a regular basis with liquid chlorine. When the chlorine evaporates into the atmosphere, the phosphates join with the chlorine.